Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Eadgard Anglo-Saxon Male Lucky spearman
Eadger English Male Wealthy spear
Eadig Anglo-Saxon Male Blessed
Eadlyn Anglo-Saxon Male Wealthy friend
Eadmund English Male Happy defender
Eadric English Male Wealthy ruler
Eadsele English Male From Edward's estate
Eadward English Male Wealthy guardian
Eadward Anglo-Saxon Male Guardian
Eadwardsone English Male Son of Edward
Eadweald English Male Wealthy ruler
Eadweard English Male Wealthy guardian
Eadwiella English Male From the old spring
Eadwine English Male Wealthy friend
Eadwyn Anglo-Saxon Male Valued
Eadwyn English Male Wealthy friend
Eagan Irish Male Fiery; forceful.
Eagon Irish Male Fiery
Ealdian Anglo-Saxon Male Live long
Ealdun English Male From the elves'valley
Ealdwode English Male From the old forest
Ealhdun English Male From the elves'valley
Ealhhard English Male Brave
Eallard English Male Brave
Eallison English Male Son of Elder
Eames Irish Male Prosperous protector. Var...
Eamon Anglo-Saxon Male Wealthy defender
Eamon Irish Male Guardian
Eanruig Scottish Male Rules the home
Ear Scottish Male From the east
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