Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Earc Irish Male Red
Earh Anglo-Saxon Male Coward
Earie Scottish Male From the east
Earl Anglo-Saxon Male Chief
Earl English Male Nobleman. Name based on t...
Earle Anglo-Saxon Male Chief
Earle English Male Nobleman
Earm Anglo-Saxon Male Wretched
Earnan Irish Male Knowing
Earnest German Male Serious; determined.
Earnest English Male Serious; determined.
Earvin English Male Friend. Variant of Irving...
Earwine English Male Friend of the sea
Earwyn English Male Friend of the sea
Easton English Male From East town. Surname.
Eaton English Male From the riverside villag...
Eatun English Male From the riverside villag...
Eawart English Male Shepherd
Eban Hebrew Male Rock
Eben Hebrew Male Rock
Ebenezer Hebrew Male Rock of help
Eberhard German Male Strong as a boar
Eberhardt German Male Strong as a boar
Eburhardt German Male Strong as a boar
Eburscon Celtic Male Lives near the yew tree e...
Ecgbeorht English Male Intelligent
Ecgfrith Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Eckerd German Male Sacred
Ector Arthurian Legend Male Father of Arthur
Ed English Male Abbreviation of names beg...
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