Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Aldred English Male Wise or red haired man
Aldred Anglo-Saxon Male Old advisor
Aldric English Male Wise ruler
Aldrich French Male Old or wise ruler
Aldrich English Male Wise ruler
Aldrick French Male Old or wise ruler
Aldrik German Male Noble friend
Aldrik English Male Wise ruler
Aldrin English Male old and wise ruler.
Aldtun English Male From the old manor
Aldus English Male From the old house
Aldwin English Male Wise friend
Aldwine English Male Wise friend
Aldwyn English Male Wise friend
Aldwyn Anglo-Saxon Male Defender
Alec Scottish Male Defender of mankind. Vari...
Aleck Scottish Male Defender of mankind. Vari...
Alejandro Spanish Male Defends mankind. Spanish ...
Aler English Male From the alder tree
Aleron French Male Knight
Alex English Male Abbreviation of Alexander...
Alexandre Arthurian Legend Male Nephew of King Mark
Alexandre French Male French form of Alexander
Aleyn Arthurian Legend Male A Fisher king
Alfonso Spanish Male Spanish form of Alphonse....
Alfonso German Male Ready
Alford English Male From the old ford
Alfred Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Alfred English Male Sage
Alfredo English Male Sage
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