Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Freyne English Male Foreigner
Frick English Male Bold
Fridolf English Male Peaceful wolf
Fridolph English Male Peaceful wolf
Friduwulf English Male Peaceful wolf
Fridwolf English Male Peaceful wolf
Friedrich German Male German form of Frederick
Friedrick German Male Nickname variant of Frede...
Frika English Male Bold
Frimunt German Male Noble protector
Frisa English Male Curly - haired
Frisco Spanish Male Abbreviation of Francisco...
Fritz German Male German form of Frederick
Froille Arthurian Legend Male Killed by Arthur
Frollo Arthurian Legend Male Killed by Arthur
Fshd Arabic Male Lynx
Fugeltun English Male From the people's estate
Fugol Anglo-Saxon Male Bird
Fulaton English Male From the people's estate
Fuller English Male Cloth thickener
Fullere English Male Cloth thickener
Fulton English Male From the people's estate
Fyfe Scottish Male From Fifeshire
Fynbar Celtic Male Blond
Fyren Anglo-Saxon Male Wicked
Fytch English Male Ermine
Ga!l Irish Male Rooster
Gaagii Native American Male Raven (Navajo)
Gaarwine English Male Friend with a spear
Gabe Hebrew Male God's able-bodied one. Va...
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