Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Galan Anglo-Saxon Male Sings
Galantyne Arthurian Legend Male Gawain's sword
Galatyn Arthurian Legend Male Gawain's sword
Gale Irish Male Stranger
Gale English Male Lively
Galeno Spanish Male Small intelligent one
Galeron Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Galeun English Male From the town on the high...
Gall Celtic Male Stranger
Gallagher Irish Male Surname.
Galt English Male From the high ground
Galtero Spanish Male Spanish form of Walter st...
Galton English Male From the town on the high...
Galvarium Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Galvin Irish Male Sparrow.
Galvin Celtic Male Sparrow
Galvyn Celtic Male Sparrow
Gamaliel Hebrew Male God's reward
Gann English Male Spear protector
Gannon Irish Male Fair.
Gannon English Male Speannan
Gar Anglo-Saxon Male Spear
Gar English Male Spear
Gara Irish Male Mastiff
Garaden English Male From the three cornered h...
Garadin English Male From the three cornered h...
Garadun English Male From the three cornered h...
Garadyn English Male From the three cornered h...
Garafeld English Male From the triangular field
Garan German Male Guards; guardian.
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