Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Gibbesone English Male Gilbert's Son
Gibson English Male Gilbert's Son
Gideon Hebrew Male Destroyer
Gifford English Male Gift of bravery
Gifford French Male Chubby cheeks
Giflet Arthurian Legend Male Returns Excalibur to the ...
Gifre Anglo-Saxon Male Greedy
Gifuhard English Male Gift of bravery
Gijs English Male Intelligent
Gikhrist Irish Male Serves Christ
Gil Hebrew Male Happiness
Gil Irish Male Serves Christ
Gil French Male French form of Julius
Gil Spanish Male Squire Young shield.
Gilbert German Male Bright lad. Gilberto: (Sp...
Gilbert French Male Bright lad. Gilberto: (Sp...
Gilbert English Male Trusted
Gilberto Spanish Male Spanish form of Gilbert h...
Gilbride Irish Male Serves Saint Bridget
Gilburt English Male Trusted
Gildas Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a historian
Gildas English Male Gilded
Gildas Celtic Male Serves God
Gildea Irish Male Golden
Gilford English Male From Gill'S ford
Gili Hebrew Male Happiness
Gilibeirt Irish Male Pledge
Gill French Male French form of Julius
Gilleabart Scottish Male Pledge
Gilleasbuig German Male Bold
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