Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Gordain Scottish Male Hero
Gordan Scottish Male Hero
Gordie Anglo-Saxon Male From the cornered hill
Gordon Anglo-Saxon Male From the cornered hill
Gordon English Male From the three cornered h...
Gordon Scottish Male From the marshes. One of ...
Gordy Anglo-Saxon Male From the cornered hill
Gore Arthurian Legend Male A kingdom
Gorlois Arthurian Legend Male Igraine's husband
Gormain Irish Male Blue
Gorman Irish Male Blue
Gormley Irish Male Surname.
Gorre Arthurian Legend Male A kingdom
Gorrie Irish Male Peace from God
Gorry Irish Male Peace from God
Gorsedd Celtic Male From Arbeth
Gorvenal Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Gosheven Native American Male Leaper
Gothfraidh Irish Male Peaceful
Gottfried German Male Peaceful god
Gouveniail Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Govannon Anglo-Saxon Male God of the forge
Goveniayle Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Gow Scottish Male A smith
Gowan Scottish Male A smith
Gowyn English Male God's friend
Graden English Male Gray-haired: son of the G...
Gradon English Male Gray-haired: son of the G...
Grady Irish Male Noble
Graeghamm English Male From the gray home
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