Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Holt Anglo-Saxon Male Wood
Holt English Male By the forest.
Holwell English Male Lives by the holy spring
Home Scottish Male From the cave
Honani Native American Male Badger (Hopi)
Honaw Native American Male Bear (Hopi)
Honi Hebrew Male Gracious
Honiahaka Native American Male Little wolf (Cheyenne)
Honon Native American Male Bear (Miwok)
Honorato Spanish Male Honor
Honovi Native American Male Strong
Horado Spanish Male Spanish form of Horace ti...
Horton English Male From the gray estate
Hosea Hebrew Male Salvation
Hotah Native American Male White (Sioux)
Hototo Native American Male Warrior spirit who sings ...
Hotuaekhaashtait Native American Male Tall bull (Cheyenne)
Houdain Arthurian Legend Male Tristan's dog
Houdenc Arthurian Legend Male Tristan's dog
Houerv English Male Bitter
Houghton English Male From the estate on the bl...
Houston Scottish Male From Hugh's town. Place-n...
How German Male High
Howahkan Native American Male Of the mysterious voice (...
Howard English Male Chief guardian
Howe German Male High
Howel Arthurian Legend Male Killed by Arthur
Howi Native American Male Turtle dove (Miwok)
Howie English Male Nichname for Howard noble...
Howland English Male From the chiefs land
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