Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Isdemus Arthurian Legend Male Knight of Arthur
Iseabail Hebrew Male Devoted to God
Isen Anglo-Saxon Male Iron
Isenham English Male From the iron one's estat...
Isham English Male From the iron one's estat...
Ishmael Hebrew Male God listens. In the bible...
Ishmael Spanish Male God listens. In the bible...
Isiah Hebrew Male God's helper
Isidoro Spanish Male Gifted with many ideas
Isidro Spanish Male Gifted with many ideas
Ismael Spanish Male God listens. In the bible...
Ismael Hebrew Male God listens. In the bible...
Israel Hebrew Male God perseveres; contends....
Isreal Hebrew Male Ruling with the Lord
Istaqa Native American Male Coyote man (Hopi)
Istu Native American Male Sugar
Itai Hebrew Male Friendly
Ither Arthurian Legend Male Killed by Percival
Ittamar Hebrew Male Island of palms
Iuwine Anglo-Saxon Male Friend
Ivan Hebrew Male Gift from God
Ivan Spanish Male Archer
Ivar English Male Archer's bow.
Iven French Male Little archer
Iver Scottish Male Archer
Ives English Male Archer's bow. Variant of ...
Ivey English Male A climbing evergreen orna...
Ivo English Male Archer's bow.
Ivon English Male Archer's bow.
Ivor English Male Archer's bow.
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