Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Iwdael English Male From the yew tree valley
Ixaka Hebrew Male Child of laughter
Iye Native American Male Smoke
Izaak German Male Laughter.
Izaak Hebrew Male Child of laughter
Izreal Hebrew Male Ruling with the Lord
Jaap Hebrew Male Supplanter
Jabbar Arabic Male Mighty
Jabin Hebrew Male God has built. A Biblical...
Jabir Arabic Male Comforts
Jacan Hebrew Male Trouble. A Biblical name....
Jacinto Spanish Male Hyacinth
Jack Hebrew Male Supplanter
Jack English Male God has been gracious; ha...
Jackie English Male God has been gracious; ha...
Jackie Scottish Male God has been gracious; ha...
Jackson English Male Son of Jack
Jackson Scottish Male God has been gracious; ha...
Jacky Scottish Male God has been gracious; ha...
Jacob Hebrew Male Supplanter
Jacobe Hebrew Male Supplanter
Jacobo Spanish Male Supplanter.
Jacot Hebrew Male Supplanter
Jacqueleen French Male Feminine of Jacques deriv...
Jacquelin French Male French form of Jacob
Jacques French Male French form of Jacob Supp...
Jacy English Male Based on the initials J.C...
Jacy Native American Male Moon
Jaden Hebrew Male Jehovah has heard. A Bibl...
Jader Hebrew Male Jehovah has heard. A Bibl...
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