Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Judy Hebrew Male Praised
Juha Hebrew Male Gift from God
Jukka Hebrew Male Gift from God
Jules French Male Youthful
Julian Spanish Male Youth
Julian English Male Jove's child. Form of Jul...
Julian French Male Youthful
Juliano Spanish Male Jove's child.
Julien French Male Jove's child.
Julio Spanish Male Youth
Julius French Male Jove's child.
Jullien French Male Youthful
Junien Hebrew Male God will uplift
Jurgen German Male German form of George
Jurre Hebrew Male God will uplift
Jussi Hebrew Male Gift from God
Justain English Male Just; upright; righteous....
Justice English Male Just; upright; righteous....
Justin English Male Just; upright; righteous....
Justin Irish Male Judicous
Justino Spanish Male Form of Justus just; upri...
Justis English Male Just; upright; righteous....
Jyll English Male Abbreviation of Jillian o...
Kaarle French Male Strong and masculine
Kaarlo French Male Strong and masculine
Kachada Native American Male White man (Hopi)
Kadar Arabic Male Strong
Kade Scottish Male From the wetlands.
Kaden Arabic Male Companion
Kadin Arabic Male Companion
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