Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Kadir Arabic Male Green
Kaedee English Male Rhyming variant of Katy o...
Kaga Native American Male Chronicler
Kagan Irish Male A thinker; fiery. Form of...
Kagen Irish Male A thinker; fiery. Form of...
Kaherdin Arthurian Legend Male Brother of Isolde
Kahleil Arabic Male Friend.
Kahlil Arabic Male Friend.
Kai Scottish Male Fire
Kailene English Male Variant of Kay and Kayla....
Kaiser German Male emperor; variant of Caesa...
Kajika Native American Male Walks without sound
Kalen English Male Variant of Kay and Kayla....
Kalil Arabic Male Good friend
Kaliq Arabic Male Creative
Kalle French Male Strong and masculine
Kallita English Male Modern variant of Callie.
Kalman French Male Strong and masculine
Kam Scottish Male Form of Cameron crooked n...
Kamal Arabic Male Perfection
Kamden Scottish Male Winding Valley. Form of ...
Kameron Scottish Male Form of Cameron crooked n...
Kameron English Male Modern variant of Cameron...
Kamil Arabic Male Perfection
Kamron Scottish Male Form of Cameron crooked n...
Kandiss English Male Modern variant of Candace...
Kane Irish Male Fighter.
Kane Celtic Male Intelligent
Kanelinqes Arthurian Legend Male Father of Tristan
Kangee Native American Male Raven (Sioux)
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