Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Lucas English Male Form of Luke light; illum...
Lucero Spanish Male Spanish form of Luke ligh...
Lucian French Male Form of Luke. Light; illu...
Luciano Spanish Male Form of Luke. Light; illu...
Lucien French Male Form of Luke. Light; illu...
Lucila Spanish Male Diminutive form of Lucia ...
Lucio Spanish Male Spanish form of Luke ligh...
Lucius English Male Form of Luke. Light; illu...
Lucky English Male Fortunate. Lucky is also ...
Ludlow English Male From the prince's hill
Luduvico German Male Famous fighter
Ludwig German Male Famous fighter
Ludwik German Male Famous fighter
Lueius Arthurian Legend Male A Roman emperor
Lufian Anglo-Saxon Male Love
Lufti Arabic Male Kind
Lugaidh Irish Male Famous warrior
Lughaidh German Male Famous fighter
Luigi German Male Famous fighter
Luiginw German Male Famous fighter
Luis Spanish Male Form of Louis.
Luis German Male Famous fighter
Luki German Male Famous fighter
Lun Irish Male Strong
Lunden Anglo-Saxon Male From London
Lundie Scottish Male From the island grove
Lundy Scottish Male From the island grove
Lunn Irish Male Strong
Luthais Scottish Male Famous warrior
Luther German Male Renowned warrior.
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