Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Archambault French Male Bold
Archard French Male Powerful
Archard German Male Strong
Archard Anglo-Saxon Male Sacred
Archenhaud French Male Bold
Archer English Male A bowman. An English surn...
Archer French Male A bowman. An English surn...
Archerd Anglo-Saxon Male Sacred
Archere English Male Bowman
Archibald German Male Bold
Archibald Anglo-Saxon Male Bold
Archibald English Male Valuable; bold.
Archibaldo Spanish Male Bold
Archie English Male Valuable; bold.
Archimbald German Male Bold
Ardagh Irish Male From the high field
Ardal German Male Intelligent or noble
Ardal Irish Male High honor
Ardaleah English Male From the home lover's mea...
Ardel English Male From the hare's dell
Ardell English Male From the hare's dell
Arden Celtic Male Lofty; eager.
Ardkill Irish Male From the high church
Ardleigh English Male From the home lover's mea...
Ardley English Male From the home lover's mea...
Ardolf English Male Home loving wolf
Ardolph English Male Home loving wolf
Ardon Hebrew Male Bronze.
Ardwolf English Male Home loving wolf
Are German Male Eagle
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