Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Molli Irish Male From the Gaelic Maili whi...
Molloy Irish Male Noble chief
Mona Native American Male Gathers jimson weed seed ...
Moncreiffe Scottish Male From the hill of the sacr...
Mongwau Native American Male Owl (Hopi)
Monohan Irish Male Monk
Monroe Scottish Male From the river's mouth.
Montae Spanish Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Montague French Male Steep mountain.
Montaigu French Male From the pointed hill
Montaine French Male Mountain.
Montay Spanish Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Monte English Male From the wealthy man's mo...
Monte Spanish Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Montel Spanish Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Montes Spanish Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Montez Spanish Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Montgomery English Male From the wealthy man's mo...
Montgomery Scottish Male From Montgomerie
Montgomery French Male Mountain belonging to the...
Montie English Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Montrel Spanish Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Montrell Spanish Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Montrelle Spanish Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Monty English Male Mountain. Abbreviation of...
Mooney Irish Male Wealthy
Moor French Male Dark skinned
Moore Irish Male Surname.
Moore French Male Dark skinned
Morain Irish Male Great
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