Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Arlin Hebrew Male Pledge.
Arlin Celtic Male Oath
Arlo Spanish Male The barberry
Arlo English Male Fortified hill
Arlyn Celtic Male Oath
Arlys Anglo-Saxon Male Honorable
Arlyss Anglo-Saxon Male Honorable
Armand French Male French form of Herman
Armand German Male Protective
Armando German Male Army man. Variant of Herm...
Armando Spanish Male Army man. Variant of Herm...
Armen Hebrew Male High place.
Armin Hebrew Male High place.
Armon Hebrew Male High place.
Armstrang English Male Strong armed
Armstrang Scottish Male Strong
Armstrong Scottish Male Strong
Armstrong English Male Strong armed
Arnan Hebrew Male Quick; joyful. A Biblical...
Arnatt English Male Little eagle
Arndell English Male From the eagle's dell
Arnet English Male Little eagle
Arnett English Male Little eagle
Arnold English Male The eagle rules.
Arnold German Male The eagle rules.
Arnott English Male Little eagle
Arnt German Male Eagle
Aron Hebrew Male High mountain
Aron French Male Lofty or inspired.
Arregaithel Scottish Male From the land of the Gaul...
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