Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Normando Spanish Male Man of the north.
Norris French Male Caretaker
Norris Scottish Male From the north.
Norris English Male From the north.
Northclif English Male From the north cliff
Northcliffe English Male From the north cliff
Northclyf English Male From the north cliff
Northrop English Male From the north farm
Northrup English Male From the north farm
Northtun English Male From the north farm
Northwode English Male From the north forest
Nortin English Male From the north farm
Norton Anglo-Saxon Male From the north farm
Norton English Male From the north farm
Norval Scottish Male From the north valley
Norvel Anglo-Saxon Male From the north state
Norville Anglo-Saxon Male From the north state
Norvin English Male Friend of the north
Norvyn English Male Friend of the north
Norward English Male Northern guardian
Norwel English Male From the north spring
Norwell English Male From the north spring
Norwin English Male Friend of the north
Norwood English Male From the north forest
Norwyn English Male Friend of the north
Nosh Native American Male Father (Algonquin)
Noshi Native American Male Father (Algonquin)
Nouel French Male Akernel
Now Arabic Male Light
Nudd Arthurian Legend Male A knight
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