Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Ogdon English Male From the oak tree valley
Ogelsby English Male Fearsome
Ogelsvie English Male Fearsome
Ogelsvy English Male Fearsome
Ogilhinn Scottish Male From the high peak
Ogilvie Scottish Male From the high peak
Ohanko Native American Male Reckless
Ohanzee Native American Male Shadow (Sioux)
Ohcumgache Native American Male Little wolf (Cheyenne)
Ohitekah Native American Male Brave (Sioux)
Oidhche Scottish Male Night
Okes English Male From the oak
Okhmhaka Native American Male Little wolf (Cheyenne)
Oliphant Scottish Male Great strength
Oliver English Male The olive tree. The bibli...
Oliver French Male The olive tree. The bibli...
Oliverio Spanish Male Affectionate
Oliverios Spanish Male Affectionate
Olivier French Male From the olive tree
Ollaneg English Male From Olney
Olney English Male From Olney
Omar Hebrew Male Speaker. 12th century Per...
Omar Arabic Male Long-lived.
Omawnakw Native American Male Cloud feather (Hopi)
Omeet Hebrew Male My light
Omer Arabic Male First son
Omet Hebrew Male My light
Ommar Arabic Male First son
Onfroi French Male PeacefuI Hun
ONille French Male From the gold town
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