Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Orland German Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orland Spanish Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orland English Male From the pointed hill
Orlando Spanish Male Famous land
Orlando German Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orlege Anglo-Saxon Male Battle strife
Orlin Spanish Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orlin German Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orlondo German Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orlondo Spanish Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orman English Male Spearman
Ormeman English Male Spearman
Ormemund English Male Spear defender
Ormod Anglo-Saxon Male Sad
Ormond English Male Spear defender
Ormund English Male Spear defender
Oro Spanish Male Gold
Orran English Male The name of an English ri...
Orren English Male The name of an English ri...
Orrick English Male From the ancient oak tree
Orrik English Male From the ancient oak tree
Orrin English Male The name of an English ri...
Orsen English Male Ormond's son
Orson French Male Little bear
Orson English Male Ormond's son
Orton English Male From the shore farm
Ortun English Male From the shore farm
Orval English Male Spear strength
Orvelle French Male Gold town.
Orvil English Male Spear strength
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