Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Parkin English Male Little rock
Parkins English Male Son of Parkin
Parkinson English Male Son of Parkin
Parlan Scottish Male Farmer
Parle English Male Little rock
Parnall English Male Little rock
Parnel English Male Surname derived from a me...
Parnel Irish Male Nineteenth-century Irish ...
Parnell English Male Surname derived from a me...
Parnell Irish Male Nineteenth-century Irish ...
Parr English Male From the cattle enclosure
Parrish English Male Lives near the church
Parsefal English Male Valley piercer
Parsifal Arthurian Legend Male Hero of several Arthurian...
Parsifal English Male Valley piercer
Parzifal Arthurian Legend Male Hero of several Arthurian...
Pascal French Male Born on Easter
Pascal Hebrew Male Born on Passover
Paschal Hebrew Male Born on Passover
Pascual Spanish Male Passover.
Pascual Hebrew Male Passover.
Pascual French Male Born on Easter
Pasqual Hebrew Male Passover.
Pasqual Spanish Male Passover.
Pasquale French Male Born on Easter
Pat English Male Patrician; noble. Abbrevi...
Pat Irish Male Patrician; noble. Abbrevi...
Pat Native American Male Fish
Patamon Native American Male Tempest
Paton English Male From the warrior's town
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