Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Pierce Irish Male Form of Piers from Peter.
Pierce Anglo-Saxon Male Rock
Pierpont French Male Lives by the stone bridge
Pierre French Male A rock. Form of Peter.
Pierrel English Male Little rock
Pierrepont French Male Lives by the stone bridge
Piers French Male A rock. Form of Peter.
Piers English Male Son of Pierce
Piers Anglo-Saxon Male Rock
Pierson English Male Form of Piers from Peter.
Pierson Irish Male Form of Piers from Peter.
PiMne Native American Male Weasel (Hopi)
Pinochos Hebrew Male Dark skinned
Piperel French Male Piper
Pippin French Male Name of a king
Pirro Spanish Male Red haired
Pit English Male From the Pit
Pitney English Male From the Preserving land
Placido Spanish Male Tranquil
Plat French Male From the flat land
Platon Spanish Male Broad shouldered
Platt French Male From the flat land
Pleoh Anglo-Saxon Male Danger
Pollock English Male Little rock
Pomeroy French Male Lives near the apple orch...
Pommelraie French Male Lives near the apple orch...
Ponce Spanish Male Born fifth
Porfirio Spanish Male Purple
Porfiro Spanish Male Purple
Porter French Male Gatekeeper
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