Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Porteur French Male Gatekeeper
Portier French Male Gatekeeper
Powell Celtic Male Son of Howell
Powwaw Native American Male Priest (Algonquin)
Prasutagus Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Prentice English Male Apprentice; learner. Surn...
Prentiss English Male Scholar
Preostcot English Male From the Priest's dwellin...
Preruet French Male Brave
Prescot English Male Priest's cottage. Surname...
Prescott English Male From the Priest's dwellin...
Presley English Male From the priest's meadow
Prestin English Male From the Priest's farm
Preston English Male Priest's town.
Prewitt French Male Brave
Priestly English Male From the priest's meadow
Primeiro Spanish Male Born first
Prince English Male Principal one; first. The...
Princeton English Male Principal one; first. The...
Prior English Male Servant of the priory
Priour French Male Head of a priory
Prospero Spanish Male Wealthy
Pruet French Male Brave
Pruie French Male Brave
Pruitt French Male Brave
Pryderi Celtic Male Care
Pryor English Male Servant of the priory
Pryor French Male Head of a priory
Pslomydes Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Pueblo Spanish Male From the city
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