Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Putnam Anglo-Saxon Male Dwells by the pond
Putnam English Male From the commander's esta...
Pwyll Celtic Male Mythical lord of Annwn
Pyn English Male From the enclosure
Pyt English Male From the Pit
Qadir Arabic Male Capable
Qaletaqa Native American Male Guardian of the people (H...
Qaseem Arabic Male Divides
Qochata Native American Male White man (Hopi)
Qssim Arabic Male Divides
Quaid Irish Male Irish form of Walter
Quany Scottish Male Proud
Quarrie Scottish Male Proud
Quennel French Male From the little oak tree
Quent English Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quent French Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quentin English Male From the queen's estate
Quentin French Male Fifth.
Quenton English Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quenton French Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quentrell English Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quentrell French Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Queran Irish Male Dark
Quesnel French Male From the little oak tree
Quigley Irish Male Unruly hair
Quin Spanish Male Abbreviation of Joaquin.
Quin Irish Male Intelligent
Quin Celtic Male Wise
Quincey French Male From the place owned by t...
Quincey English Male Fifth; derived from Roman...
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