Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Arwyroe Anglo-Saxon Male Honorable
Arye Hebrew Male Lion of God
Aryeh Hebrew Male Lion of God
Asa Hebrew Male Healer
Asad Arabic Male Lion
Asaf Hebrew Male Gathers
Asaph Hebrew Male Gathers
Ascot English Male Lives at the east cottage
Ascott English Male Lives at the east cottage
Asfour Arabic Male Bird
Ash English Male Ash tree.
Ashburn English Male Lives near the ash tree b...
Ashby English Male From the ash tree farm
Asher Hebrew Male Happy; happiness. In the ...
Ashford English Male Lives by the ash tree for...
Ashkii Native American Male Boy (Navajo)
Ashley English Male Lives in the ash tree gro...
Ashlin English Male Lives at the ash tree poo...
Ashly English Male Lives in the ash tree gro...
Ashtin English Male Ash tree.
Ashton English Male From the ash tree farm
Ashwin English Male Spear friend
Ashwyn English Male Spear friend
Asim Arabic Male Defender
Askook Native American Male Snake (Algonquin)
Askuwheteau Native American Male He keeps watch (Algonquin...
Asliraf Arabic Male Honorable
Assan Irish Male Waterfall
Astyrian Anglo-Saxon Male Remove
Aswad Arabic Male Black
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