Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Raimundo French Male Guards wisely.
Raimundo German Male Guards wisely.
Rainart German Male Strong judgment
Rainer German Male Strong counselor.
Rainger French Male Ward of the forest
Rainhard German Male Strong judgment
Rainier French Male Strong counselor.
Rainor German Male Strong counselor.
Rakin Arabic Male Respectful
Rald German Male Famous leader
Raleah English Male From the roe deer meadow
Raleich English Male Deer's meadow.
Raleigh English Male From the roe deer meadow
Raley English Male From the roe deer meadow
Ralf English Male Red wolf
Rally English Male From the roe deer meadow
Ralph English Male Red wolf
Ralston English Male Ralph's town Surname.
Ram English Male Ram
Rambert German Male Mighty or intelligent
Ramey Arabic Male Loving.
Ramhart German Male Mighty or intelligent
Rami Arabic Male Loving.
Ramirez Spanish Male Judicious
Ramiro Spanish Male Judicious
Ramm Anglo-Saxon Male Ram
Ramm English Male Ram
Ramon Spanish Male Form of Raymond Guards wi...
Ramond French Male Guards wisely.
Ramond German Male Guards wisely.
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