Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Rayce English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayce French Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayder English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayder French Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Raydon French Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Raydon English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayford French Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayford English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayhourne English Male From the deer's stream
Rayhurn English Male From the deer's stream
Raylen French Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Raylen English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayman Spanish Male Form of Raymond Guards wi...
Raymon Spanish Male Form of Raymond Guards wi...
Raymond German Male Strong defender Guards wi...
Raymond French Male Guards wisely.
Raymund French Male Guards wisely.
Raymund German Male Guards wisely.
Raymundo French Male Guards wisely.
Raymundo German Male Guards wisely.
Raynard German Male Strong counselor.
Raynard French Male Strong counselor.
Rayne English Male Strong counselor. From th...
Raynell French Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Raynell English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayner English Male Strong counselor. From th...
Raynor English Male Strong counselor. From th...
Raynord English Male Strong counselor. From th...
Re'uven Hebrew Male Behold a son
Read English Male Red haired
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