Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Rinc Anglo-Saxon Male Warrior
Ring English Male Ring
Rio Spanish Male River. Abbreviation of na...
Riobard Irish Male Royal bard
Riocard German Male Powerful ruler
Rion Arthurian Legend Male A pagan giant
Rion Irish Male Kingly.
Riordain Irish Male Bright
Riordan Irish Male Bright
Ripley English Male From the shouter's meadow
Ripley Anglo-Saxon Male From Hrypa's meadow
Rique French Male Variant of Richard.
Risley English Male From the brushwood meadow
Risteard German Male Powerful ruler
Riston English Male From the brushwood farm
Ritchie Spanish Male Variant of Richard.
Ritter German Male Knight
Rivalen Arthurian Legend Male Tristan's father
Riyad Arabic Male Garden
Ro Anglo-Saxon Male Red haired
Roald German Male Famous leader
Roan English Male From the rowan tree
Roane Irish Male Red-haired; red.
Roano Spanish Male Reddish brown skin
Roark Irish Male Famous ruler
Rob German Male Abbreviation of Robert F...
Rob English Male Abbreviation of Robert F...
Rob French Male Abbreviation of Robert F...
Rob Roy Scottish Male Red Rob
Robb French Male Abbreviation of Robert F...
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