Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Aubin French Male Fair
Aubrey English Male Rules with elf-wisdom.
Aubrey French Male Blond ruler
Aubry French Male Rules with elf-wisdom.
Aubry English Male Rules with elf-wisdom.
Auctor Arthurian Legend Male Foster father of Arthur
Audel English Male Old friend.
Auden English Male Old friend.
Audie English Male Old friend.
Audley English Male Old friend.
Audley Anglo-Saxon Male From the old meadow
Audric French Male Old or wise ruler
Audric German Male Noble friend
Audric English Male Old and wise ruler.
Audrick German Male Noble friend
Audwin German Male Noble friend
Audwine German Male Noble friend
Augustine German Male Majestic dignity; grandeu...
Augustus German Male Majestic dignity; grandeu...
Augwys Arthurian Legend Male Brother of Lot
Auhert French Male Noble
Auley Irish Male Irish form of Olaf
Auliffe Irish Male Irish form of Olaf
Aundre English Male Manly; brave. Modern vari...
Aureliano Spanish Male Golden.
Aurelio Spanish Male Gold
Aurelius Spanish Male Golden.
Aurick English Male Noble valor
Aurick German Male Noble leader
Aurik German Male Noble leader
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