Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Saeger English Male Seaman
Saelac German Male Blessed
Saelig English Male From the happy meadow
Saewald English Male Sea powerful
Saeweard English Male Sea guardian
Safford English Male From the willow ford
Sagar English Male Wise one. Surname.
Sage English Male Wise one.
Sage French Male Wise one.
Saghir Arabic Male Short
Sagramour Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Sagremor Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Sahale Native American Male Falcon
Sahir Arabic Male Wakeful
Sakeri Hebrew Male Remembered by God
Sakima Native American Male King
Sal Spanish Male Savior. Diminutive of Sal...
Salamon Hebrew Male Peaceful
Salbatore Spanish Male Savior
Saleem Arabic Male Peaceful.
Salem Arabic Male Peace
Salem Hebrew Male Peace. Biblical name of a...
Salford English Male From the willow ford
Salhdene English Male From the willow valley
Salhford English Male From the willow ford
Salhtun English Male Lives near the willow far...
Salim Arabic Male Peace
Sallsbury English Male From the fortified keep
Salomon Spanish Male Peace. Variant of Shalom.
Salton English Male Lives near the willow far...
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