Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Sasson Hebrew Male Joy
Sativola Celtic Male Name of a saint
Satordi French Male Saturn
Saturnin Spanish Male Gift of Saturn
Saul Hebrew Male Asked; inquired of God. T...
Saul Spanish Male Asked for
Saunders English Male Alexander's son
Saunderson English Male Alexander's son
Sauville French Male From the willow farm
Saville French Male From the willow farm
Sawyer English Male Saws wood
Sawyer Celtic Male Cuts timber
Sawyere English Male Saws wood
Sawyers English Male Son of Sawyer
Saxan English Male Sword
Saxon English Male Sword
Sayyid Arabic Male Master
Scadwiella English Male From the shed spring
Scaffeld English Male From the crooked field
Scand Anglo-Saxon Male Disgrace
Scandleah English Male From the loud meadow
Scandy English Male Boisterous
Scanlan Irish Male Scandal
Scanlon Irish Male Scandal
Scannalan Irish Male Scandal
Scead Anglo-Saxon Male Shade
Sceadu Anglo-Saxon Male Shade
Sceapleigh English Male From the sheep meadow
Sceley English Male From the happy meadow
Scelftun English Male From the ledge farm
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