Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Shawe Scottish Male Terse
Shawn Irish Male Variant of John from Sean...
Shawn English Male From the shady grove
Shawnn Irish Male Variant of John from Sean...
Shay Irish Male Variant of Shea courteous...
Shayan Irish Male Variant of Shea courteous...
Shaye Irish Male Variant of Shea courteous...
Shaylon Irish Male Variant of Shea courteous...
Shayne Irish Male Variant of Shaun from Joh...
Shea Irish Male Majestic
Sheary Irish Male Irish form of Geoffrey pe...
Sheedy Irish Male Surname.
Sheehan Irish Male Little peaceful one
Sheffield English Male From the crooked field
Sheiling Scottish Male From the summer pasture
Shelby English Male From the manor house Will...
Shelden English Male Deep valley.
Sheldon English Male From the shield farm
Sheldon Anglo-Saxon Male From the hill on the ledg...
Shelley English Male From the ledge meadow
Shelley Anglo-Saxon Male From the ledge meadow
Shelny Anglo-Saxon Male From the ledge farm
Shelomo Hebrew Male Peaceful
Shelton English Male From the ledge farm Deep ...
Shem Hebrew Male Name; renown. In the bibl...
Shemus Irish Male Supplanter
Shepard Anglo-Saxon Male Shepherd
Shepard English Male Shepherd
Shephard Anglo-Saxon Male Shepherd
Shepherd English Male Shepherd
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