Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Shepley English Male From the sheep meadow
Sheply Anglo-Saxon Male From the sheep meadow
Sheply English Male From the sheep meadow
Sherard Anglo-Saxon Male Of glorious valor
Sherborne English Male From the clear brook
Sherbourn English Male From the clear brook
Sherbourne English Male From the clear brook
Sherburne English Male From the clear brook
Shereef Arabic Male Variant of Sharif Illustr...
Sheridan Irish Male Untamed
Sheridan English Male Bright.
Sheridan Celtic Male Untamed
Sherif Arabic Male Variant of Sharif Illustr...
Sherlock English Male Blond
Sherman English Male Cuts the nap of woolen cl...
Sherman German Male shearman. In medieval tim...
Shermon German Male Variant of Sherman meanin...
Shermon English Male Variant of Sherman meanin...
Sheron Irish Male Irish form of Geoffrey
Sherwin English Male Swift
Sherwin Anglo-Saxon Male Quick as the wind
Sherwood English Male From the bright forest
Sherwyn English Male Swift
Sherwyn Anglo-Saxon Male Quick as the wind
Shet Hebrew Male Compensation
Shey Irish Male Variant of Shea courteous...
Shilah Native American Male Brother (Navajo)
Shilo Hebrew Male The one to whom it belong...
Shiloh Hebrew Male The one to whom it belong...
Shim'on Hebrew Male Son of Simon
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