Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Auriville French Male From the gold town
Austen English Male Variant of Augustine.
Austen French Male Variant of Augustine.
Austin English Male Variant of Augustine.
Austin French Male Variant of Augustine.
Austyn English Male Variant of Augustine.
Austyn French Male Variant of Augustine.
Avalloc Arthurian Legend Male Father of Modron
Avenall French Male Lives near the oatfield
Aveneil French Male Lives near the oatfield
Avenelle French Male Lives near the oatfield
Avent French Male Born during Advent
Averell English Male Wild boar
Averil Anglo-Saxon Male Born in April
Averil English Male Wild boar
Averill English Male Wild boar
Averill Anglo-Saxon Male Born in April
Avery English Male Elf ruler or from the old...
Avery Anglo-Saxon Male Rules the elves
Avery French Male Rules with elf-wisdom.
Avi Hebrew Male Father
Avichai Hebrew Male My father is alive
Avidan Hebrew Male God is just or father
Avidor Hebrew Male Father of a multitude
Aviel Hebrew Male Father
Avigdor Hebrew Male Father protection
Avimelech Hebrew Male Father is king
Avinoam Hebrew Male Pleasant father
Aviram Hebrew Male Father of heights
Avisha Hebrew Male Gift from God
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