Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Avishai Hebrew Male Gift from God
Avital Hebrew Male Father of dew
Aviv Hebrew Male Young
Avner Hebrew Male Father of light
Avniel Hebrew Male Father or strong
Avonaco Native American Male Lean bear (Cheyenne)
Avonmore Irish Male From the great river
Avraham Hebrew Male Father of a multitude
Avsalom Hebrew Male Father of peace
Avshalom Hebrew Male Father of peace
Awan Native American Male Somebody
Awarnach Arthurian Legend Male A giant
Awiergan Anglo-Saxon Male Cursed
Awnan Irish Male Little Adam
Axel Hebrew Male Father of peace
Axel German Male Father of peace
Axton English Male Swordsman's stone
Ayawamat Native American Male One who follows orders (H...
Ayers English Male Heir to a fortune.
Aylmer English Male Infamous
Aylward English Male Noble protector
Ayrwode English Male From the fir forest
Azaria Hebrew Male God helps
Azarious Hebrew Male God helps
Azaryah Hebrew Male God helps
Azaryahu Hebrew Male God helps
Azriel Hebrew Male God helps
Azzam Arabic Male Determined
Bac Scottish Male Bank
Backstere English Male Baker
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