Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Teaghue Irish Male Poet
Teague Celtic Male Bard
Teague Irish Male Poet; Handsome.
Tearlach French Male Manly
Tearlach Scottish Male Strong
Tearle English Male Stem
Ted English Male Abbreviation of Theodore.
Tedd English Male Abbreviation of Theodore.
Teddie English Male Abbreviation of Theodore.
Teddy English Male Abbreviation of Theodore.
Tedman Anglo-Saxon Male Wealthy defender
Tedman English Male Refers to St. Edmund. Als...
Tedmond English Male National protector
Tedmund Anglo-Saxon Male Wealthy defender
Tedmund English Male National protector
Tedric English Male Abbreviation of Theodore.
Tedrick English Male Abbreviation of Theodore.
Tedrick German Male Variant of the old German...
Teetonka Native American Male Talks too much (Sioux)
Teithi Celtic Male Mythical son of Gwynham
Telfer French Male Works in iron
Telfor French Male Works in iron
Telford French Male Works in iron
Telfour French Male Works in iron
Tellan Anglo-Saxon Male Considers
Telutci Native American Male Bear making dust (Miwok)
Temman Anglo-Saxon Male Tame
Tempeltun English Male From the temple farm
Temple English Male Temple-town. This surname...
Templeton English Male Temple-town. This surname...
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