Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Treadway English Male Strong warrior
Treasach Irish Male Fighter
Treasigh Irish Male Fighter
Tredan Anglo-Saxon Male Tramples
Treddian Anglo-Saxon Male Leaves
Tredway English Male Strong warrior
Treffen German Male Meets
Tremain English Male From the big town.
Tremaine Celtic Male From the town encircled b...
Tremaine English Male From the big town.
Tremayne English Male From the big town.
Tremayne Celtic Male From the town encircled b...
Trennen German Male Divides
Trent English Male Refers to the English riv...
Trenten English Male Refers to the English riv...
Trentin English Male Refers to the English riv...
Trenton English Male Refers to the English riv...
Treowbrycg English Male From the tree bridge
Treowe English Male Loyal
Treoweman English Male Loyal
Tretan German Male Walks
Trevan English Male Fair town. Abbreviation o...
Treven English Male Fair town. Abbreviation o...
Treves French Male Surname and place name.
Trevian English Male Fair town. Abbreviation o...
Trevion English Male Fair town. Abbreviation o...
Trevls English Male Variant of French surname...
Trevon English Male Fair town. Abbreviation o...
Trevonn English Male Fair town. Abbreviation o...
Trevor Celtic Male Wise
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