Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Ulises Spanish Male Variant of the Greek name...
Ullock English Male Wolf sport
Ullok English Male Wolf sport
Ulmar English Male Wolf famous
Ulmarr English Male Wolf famous
Ulrich German Male Noble leader
Ulvelaik English Male Wolf sport
Ulz German Male Noble leader
Ungus Irish Male One vigor
Unwin English Male Unfriendly
Unwine English Male Unfriendly
Unwyn English Male Unfriendly
Upchurch English Male From the upper church
Upton English Male From the upper farm
Upton Anglo-Saxon Male From the high town
Uptun English Male From the upper farm
Upwode English Male From the upper forest
Upwood English Male From the upper forest
Urbano Spanish Male From the city
Uri Hebrew Male God is my light
Uriah Hebrew Male God is my light
Uriel Hebrew Male God is my light
Urien Arthurian Legend Male Name of a king
Uriens Arthurian Legend Male Name of a king
Urquhart Scottish Male From the fount on the kno...
Usbeorn English Male Divine warrior
Uther Arthurian Legend Male Arthur's father
Uzumati Native American Male Bear (Miwok)
Uzziah Hebrew Male God is mighty
Uzziel Hebrew Male God is mighty
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