Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Vortimer Arthurian Legend Male Vortigem's son
Vruyk English Male From the fortress
Wacfeld English Male From Wake's field
Wacian Anglo-Saxon Male Watchful
Wacian English Male Alert
Wacleah English Male From Wake's meadow
Wacuman English Male Watchman
Wada English Male Advancer
Wadanhyll English Male From the advancer's hill
Wade Anglo-Saxon Male Moving
Wade English Male Advancer; Medieval given ...
Wadley English Male From Wade's meadow
Wadsworth English Male From Wade's estate
Waed English Male Advancer
Waefreleah English Male From the quaking aspen tr...
Waer English Male Wary
Waerheall English Male From the true man's manor
Waeringawicum English Male Fortress
Waescburne English Male From the flooding brook
Wafiyy Arabic Male Loyal
Wagner German Male Wagon maker
Wahanassatta Native American Male He who walks with his toe...
Wahchinksapa Native American Male Wise (Sioux)
Wahchintonka Native American Male Has much Practice (Sioux)
Wahkan Native American Male Sacred (Sioux)
Wain English Male Craftsman
Wainwright English Male Wagon maker
Wait English Male Guard
Waite English Male Guard
Wake English Male Alert
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