Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Wendel German Male Wanders
Wendell English Male Traveler; wanderer.
Wendell German Male Wanders
Wendlesora English Male From Windsor
Wentworth English Male From the white one's esta...
Weolingtun English Male From the wealthy estate
Weorth English Male From the farm
Werian Anglo-Saxon Male Defends
Werner German Male Defending warrior
Wes English Male West meadow. Variant of t...
Wesley English Male From the west meadow
Wessley English Male West meadow. Variant of t...
West English Male West town. Surname.
Westbroc English Male From the west brook
Westbrook English Male From the west brook
Westby English Male From the west farm
Westcot English Male From the west cottage
Westcott English Male From the west cottage
Westen English Male West town. Surname.
Westin English Male West town. Surname.
Westleah English Male From the west meadow
Westley English Male From the west meadow
Weston English Male West town. Surname.
Westun English Male From the west
Wetherby English Male From the wether sheep far...
Wetherly English Male From the wether sheep mea...
Wethrby English Male From the wether sheep far...
Wethrleah English Male From the wether sheep mea...
Weyland English Male From the land by the high...
Weylin Celtic Male Son of the wolf
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