Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Wolfrick German Male Wolf ruler
Wolfrik German Male Wolf ruler
Woodley English Male From the wooded meadow
Woodman English Male Hunter
Woodrow English Male From the cottages in the ...
Woodruff English Male Bailiff
Woodward English Male Forester
Woolcott English Male Lives in Wolfe's cottage
Woolsey English Male Victorious wolf
Worcester English Male From the alder forest arm...
Worden English Male Defender or guard
Wordsworth English Male World guardian
Worrell English Male From the true man's manor
Worth English Male From the farm
Worthington Anglo-Saxon Male From the river's side
Worton English Male From the vegetable farm
Wregan Anglo-Saxon Male Accuses
Wright Anglo-Saxon Male Tradesman
Wright English Male Craftsman
Wryhta English Male Craftsman
Wselfwulf Anglo-Saxon Male Wolf of slaughter
Wudoweard English Male Forester
Wulf Anglo-Saxon Male Wolf
Wulf English Male Wolf
Wulfcot English Male Lives in Wolfe's cottage
Wulffrith English Male Wolf of peace
Wulfgar Anglo-Saxon Male Wolf spear
Wulfgar English Male Wolf spear
Wulfhere Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Wulfsige English Male Victorious wolf
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