Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Bart English Male From the barley farm
Bartel English Male Variant of Bartholomew of...
Bartel Hebrew Male Ploughman
Barth English Male Son of the earth; Variant...
Bartholomew Hebrew Male Ploughman
Barthram English Male Glorious raven
Bartleah English Male From Bart's meadow
Bartleigh English Male From Bart's meadow
Bartlett French Male Ploughman
Bartley Scottish Male The birch tree meadow. Se...
Bartley English Male The birch tree meadow. Se...
Bartley Hebrew Male Ploughman
Bartoli Spanish Male Ploughman
Bartolo Spanish Male Ploughman
Bartolome Spanish Male Ploughman
Barton English Male From the barley farm
Bartram German Male Glorious raven.
Bartram English Male Glorious raven.
Baruch Hebrew Male Blessed
Barwolf English Male Ax wolf
Bashshar Arabic Male Brings good news
Basil English Male Royal; kingly.
Basilio Spanish Male Noble
Bates English Male Variant of Bartholomew of...
Bawdewyn Anglo-Saxon Male Bold friend
Bawdewyne Anglo-Saxon Male Bold friend
Bax English Male Baker
Baxter English Male Baker
Bay French Male Variant of Bayard - aubu...
Bay English Male Variant of Bayard - aubu...
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