Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Bayard English Male Auburn-haired.
Bayard French Male Auburn-haired. Bayard was...
Bayen Anglo-Saxon Male From Ban
Bayhard English Male Reddish brown hair
Baylen French Male Variant of Bayard - aubu...
Baylen English Male Variant of Bayard - aubu...
Bayley English Male Steward or public officia...
Bayley French Male Steward
Beacan Celtic Male Small
Beacher English Male Lives by the beech tree
Beadurinc Anglo-Saxon Male Warrior
Beadutun English Male From the warrior's estate
Beadwof Anglo-Saxon Male Bold in war
Beal English Male Handsome.
Beal French Male Handsome.
Beale French Male Handsome.
Beale English Male Handsome.
Beall English Male Handsome.
Beall French Male Handsome.
Bealohydig Anglo-Saxon Male Enemy
Beaman English Male Beekeeper
Beamard Irish Male Brave as a bear
Beamer English Male Trumpeter
Bean Scottish Male Fair skinned
Bearacb Celtic Male Marksman
Bearcban Celtic Male Marksman
Bearn Anglo-Saxon Male Son
Bearnard Scottish Male Bear strong
Beartlaidh Irish Male From Bart's meadow
Beathan Scottish Male Son of the righthand
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