Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Bicoir Arthurian Legend Male Father of Arthur
Bidziil Native American Male He is strong (Navajo)
Biecaford English Male From the hewer's ford
Biford English Male Lives at the river crossi...
Bilagaana Native American Male White person (Navajo)
Bill English Male Nickname for William - r...
Billie English Male Nickname for William reso...
Billy English Male Nickname for William - r...
Bimisi Native American Male Slippery
Binah Hebrew Male Understanding
Bing German Male From the kettle shaped ho...
Binge German Male From the kettle shaped ho...
Bink English Male Lives at the bank
Binyamin Hebrew Male Ploughman
Birch English Male Bright; shining; the birc...
Birche English Male Birch
Bird English Male Bird
Birde English Male Bird
Birdhil English Male From the bird hill
Birdhill English Male From the bird hill
Birdoswald Anglo-Saxon Male From Birdoswald
Birk English Male Birch tree
Birk Scottish Male From a birch tree
Birkett English Male Lives at the birch headla...
Birkey English Male From the birch tree islan...
Birkhead English Male Lives at the birch headla...
Birkhed English Male Lives at the birch headla...
Birley English Male From the cattle shed on t...
Birney English Male Lives on the brook island
Biron English Male Surname used as a given n...
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