Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Boone French Male Good; a blessing. America...
Booth English Male Lives in a hut
Boothe English Male Lives in a hut
Borak Arabic Male The lightning. Al Borak w...
Bordan Anglo-Saxon Male From the boar valley
Borden Anglo-Saxon Male From the boar valley
Borden English Male From the boar valley
Borre Arthurian Legend Male Son of Arthur
Bors Arthurian Legend Male Uncle of Arthur
Bort English Male Fortified.
Bosworth English Male Lives at the cattle enclo...
Botewolf English Male Herald wolf
Both Scottish Male From the stone house
Bothain Scottish Male From the stone house
Bothan Scottish Male From the stone house
Bothe English Male Lives in a hut
Botolf English Male Herald wolf
Botwolf English Male Herald wolf
Boulus Arabic Male Arabic form of Paul
Bourke English Male Fortified hill. See also ...
Bourn English Male From the brook
Bourne English Male From the brook
Bowden Celtic Male Blond
Bowden Anglo-Saxon Male Messenger
Bowdyn Anglo-Saxon Male Messenger
Bowdyn Celtic Male Blond
Bowen Celtic Male Son of Owen
Bowie Irish Male Surname.
Bowyn Celtic Male Son of Owen
Boyce French Male Lives near the wood.
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