Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Byron English Male Bear
Byron French Male From the cottage
Byrtel English Male From the bird hill
Cabal Arthurian Legend Male Arthur's dog
Cabe English Male Variant of surname Cable ...
Cable English Male Ropemaker. An English sur...
Cacamwri Arthurian Legend Male Servant
Cacanisius Irish Male Son of Nis
Cace Irish Male Variant of Casey Alert; v...
Cacey Irish Male Variant of Casey Alert; v...
Cachamwri Celtic Male Mythical servant of Arthu...
Cadabyr English Male From the warrior's settle...
Cadby English Male From the warrior's settle...
Cadda English Male Warring
Caddaham English Male From the soldier's land
Caddaric English Male Battle leader
Caddarik English Male Battle leader
Caddawyc English Male From the warrior's town
Cadell Celtic Male Warring
Cadhla Irish Male Handsome
Cadman Celtic Male Fighter
Cadman Anglo-Saxon Male Warrior
Cador Arthurian Legend Male Nephew of Arthur
Cadwallon Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Cadwallon Arthurian Legend Male A seventh century king
Caedmon Anglo-Saxon Male Poet
Caedwalla Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Caerleon Arthurian Legend Male Name of a battle site
Caersewiella English Male Lives at the watercress s...
Cafall Arthurian Legend Male Arthur's dog
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