Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Carrington Celtic Male Place name and surname.
Carrol Celtic Male Champion
Carroll Celtic Male Champion
Carroll Irish Male Manly
Carson English Male Son of Carr
Carson Scottish Male Surname.
Carswell English Male Lives at the watercress s...
Carter English Male Drives a cart
Cartere English Male Drives a cart
Carthach Irish Male Loving
Carthage Irish Male Loving
Cartland English Male From the land between the...
Carvel English Male From the villa by the mar...
Carvell French Male Spearman's estate or mars...
Carvell English Male From the villa by the mar...
Carver English Male Carves wood or sculpts
Cary Irish Male Of the dark ones.
Cary Celtic Male From the fortress
Case Irish Male Variant of Casey Alert; v...
Casey Celtic Male Brave
Casey Irish Male Alert; vigorous.
Cashel Irish Male From Cashel
Casimiro Spanish Male Peaceful
Cass Irish Male Curly-headed.
Cassian Irish Male Curly-headed.
Cassidy Irish Male Curly-headed. Surname.
Cassivellaunus Celtic Male From Arthurian legend
Caster English Male From the Roman camp
Caswallan Celtic Male From Arthurian legend
Cat Scottish Male Catlike
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