Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Churchill English Male Lives at the church hill
Churchyll English Male Lives at the church hill
Cian Irish Male Archaic
Cianan Irish Male Archaic
Ciarrai Irish Male County
Ciceron Spanish Male Chickpea
Cidro Spanish Male Abbreviation of Isadoro s...
Cillian Irish Male Battle
Cingeswell English Male Lives at the king's sprin...
Cingeswiella English Male Lives at the king's sprin...
Cinneide Irish Male Helmeted
Cinwell English Male Lives at the king's sprin...
Cipriano Spanish Male From Cyprus
Ciqala Native American Male Little one (Dakota)
Circehyll English Male Lives at the church hill
Cirilo Spanish Male Noble
Ciro Spanish Male Sun
Cisco Spanish Male Diminutive of Francisco.
Clach Scottish Male Stone
Claec English Male Dark
Claeg English Male Mortal
Claegborne English Male From the clay brook
Claegtun English Male Mortal
Claiborn English Male From the clay brook
Claiborne English Male clay
Clamedeus Arthurian Legend Male Name of a king
Clancy Irish Male Ruddy warrior
Clarion Arthurian Legend Male Name of a king
Clark English Male Cleric; secretary.
Clarke English Male Cleric; secretary.
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