Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Cretien French Male Christian
Crevan Irish Male Fox
Crichton English Male From the town by the cree...
Cris Spanish Male Variant abbreviation of C...
Crispin English Male Curly-haired. The 3rd cen...
Cristian Spanish Male Follower of Christ; the A...
Cristiano Spanish Male Christian
Cristobal Spanish Male Spanish form of Christoph...
Cristofer Spanish Male With Christ inside.
Cristofor Spanish Male With Christ inside.
Criston Spanish Male Follower of Christ; the A...
Cristos Spanish Male Follower of Christ; the A...
Cristoval Spanish Male With Christ inside.
Croften English Male From the enclosed town
Crofton English Male From the enclosed town
Crogher Irish Male Loves hounds
Crohoore Irish Male Loves hounds
Crom Scottish Male Crooked
Crombwiella English Male Lives by the winding stre...
Crompton English Male From the winding farm
Cromwell English Male Lives by the winding stre...
Cromwell Scottish Male From the crooked well
Cronan Irish Male Little dark one
Crosleah English Male From the cross meadow
Crosleigh English Male From the cross meadow
Crosley English Male From the cross meadow
Crosly English Male From the cross meadow
Crowley Irish Male Hunch backed
Croydon English Male Surname and place-name.
Cruadhlaoich Irish Male Hunch backed
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