Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Conall Celtic Male Strong in battle High; mi...
Conall Cernach Celtic Male Mythical Ulster chieftain
Conan Celtic Male Wise
Conan Irish Male Hound.
Conant Celtic Male Wise
Conary Irish Male An ancient Irish name who...
Conchobar Celtic Male Mythical hero
Conchobhar Irish Male Strong willed or wise
Condan Celtic Male Dark haired wise man
Condon Celtic Male Dark haired wise man
Conlan Irish Male Hero
Conleth Irish Male Ardent or wise
Conley Irish Male Ardent or wise
Conn Celtic Male Mythical son of Lir wise;...
Conn Irish Male High; mighty.
Connacht Irish Male Brave or wise
Connal Irish Male High; mighty.
Connal Celtic Male High; mighty.
Connell Celtic Male Strong in battle
Connell Irish Male Surname. High; mighty.
Conner Irish Male Hound-lover.
Connie Irish Male Strong willed or wise
Connla Celtic Male Mythical son of Conn
Connlaio Irish Male Ardent or wise
Connolly Irish Male Brave or wise
Connor Irish Male Strong willed or wise Hou...
Conny Irish Male Strong willed or wise
Conor Irish Male Strong willed or wise
Conrad German Male Honest advisor Brave; wis...
Conradin German Male Honest advisor
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