Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Dieter German Male Gifted ruler. Variant of ...
Dietrich German Male People's ruler
Dietz German Male People's ruler
Dikesone English Male Son of Dick
Dilan French Male Like a lion.
Dilan Irish Male Like a lion.
Dillen Irish Male Like a lion.
Dillen French Male Like a lion.
Dillion Celtic Male Faithful
Dillon French Male Like a lion.
Dillon Irish Male Like a lion. Surname.
Dinadan Arthurian Legend Male Friend of Tristan
Dino English Male From the dene
Dino Spanish Male Abbreviation of names end...
Dinsmore Celtic Male From the hill fort
Dion English Male Abbreviation of Dionysius...
Dion French Male Abbreviation of Dionysius...
Diondre English Male Blend of Dion and Andre.
Diondre French Male Blend of Dion and Andre.
Dionte French Male Abbreviation of Dionysius...
Dionte English Male Abbreviation of Dionysius...
Dirk German Male People's ruler Wealthy. V...
Dix French Male ten
Dix English Male Variant of Dick from Rich...
Dixon English Male Son of Dick
Diya al din Arabic Male Faithful
Dnias Arthurian Legend Male A murderer
Doane English Male From the down hill
Dohosan Native American Male Bluff
Doire Scottish Male From the grove
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